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Dates for your diary - 2024!

Dates for your diary - 2024!

Vamshi Kummari12 Mar - 16:08
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Mark your calendars! Here's a sneak peek into our exciting lineup of events for the upcoming weeks & months.

From thrilling cricket matches to community gatherings and golf days, we've got something for everyone!

March 23rd - 24th: Get Set Weekend (Kick off the season with a weekend of team-building and preparation.)

April 6th: Stevenage CC Golf Day (Tee off with fellow club members for a day of friendly competition.)

April 9th: Outdoor Nets Commence (Sharpen your skills and gear up for the season ahead.)

April 20th: Pre-Season Friendlies Commence (Warm-up matches to fine-tune strategies and teamwork.)

April 27th: Club Community Day (Come together as a club and celebrate our community spirit.)

May 11th: League Season Commences (The real action begins as we dive into competitive matches.)

June 2nd: Stevenage vs MCC (Witness an epic showdown between two cricket powerhouses.)

July 28th: Presidents Day (A day to honour our club's leaders and celebrate their contributions.)

July 28th - August 4th: Stevenage CC Cricket Week (A week-long celebration of cricketing fun and excitement!)

Don't miss out on these exciting events! Keep an eye on our website for updates and additional announcements...

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